产品类别:幼儿配套设施 | 材质:实木、钢铁 | 适用年龄:儿童(3-6岁)、 青年(15-35岁)、 少年(7-14岁) |
是否专供外贸:否 | 3C配置类别:14岁以下其它玩具 | 品牌:贝特 |
适用场合:小区、 商场、 超市、 游乐园 | 专利及著作权:外观设计 | 专利号或版权登记证号:ES |
包装:常规包装 | 能力培养:智力开发、 爬行、 动手动脑、 手眼协调、 互动玩具、 亲子交流 | 货号:BT |
是否有导购视频:否 | 颜色:灰、 不限 | 是否跨境货源:否 |
位置:英国 伦敦
景观设计:ERECT ARCHITECTURE景观时间:2011图片来源:James Whitaker这是由 ERECT ARCHITECTURE设计的英国伦敦Norwood公园水上游乐场。该公园位于城市的***兰贝斯,可以将伦敦南部的风景一览无余。新的水上有可取基于现有设备,属于山顶上的扩展项目。设计上力求尽可能的发挥自然景观的特性,为孩子们提供玩耍水和沙子的机会。利用木质桥梁和平缓的丘,夸大了现有山顶的地形。游乐结构、攀爬架、沙子和水这些不同的元素,通过设计,经由多层次的发挥,创造出这座游乐场。在土堆的顶部,用水泵为孩子们创造一个流动的水,沿着巨石和倾斜的结构,水流顺势而下。而后利用起重机将水和沙子再运回顶部。这项设施,可以为孩子们分工协作提供机会,让孩子们一同玩耍、工作,鼓励孩子们的创造性和合作性。译者: 温冷清秋Norwood Park is one of the highest points in Lambeth and offers sweeping views over South London. The new water play area is an extension to an existing equipment based playground located on the top of the hill. Our clients’ brief was to create a natural play landscape offering water and sand play and specifically targeting children with special needs and their families/carers.The design of two gently sloping mounds linked with a timber bridge exaggerates the existing hilltop topography. The mounds embrace a generous, partly sand-filled sculpted valley and shelter it from the prevailing winds. Purpose designed play structures, climbing features and sand and water play elements are embedded in this landscape to provide a multi level play offer with a higher degree of complexity. Water pumps at the top of the mounds allow children to create a flow of water and channel it down the boulder mound and a sloping, cascading structure made out of CNC-milled timber basins. Using sand cranes and an Archimedes screw children can then transport the water and sand back to the top. Excess water is collected in shallow channels running through the sand valley allowing splashing, bridge and dam building, and from there feeds into the planned wetlands at the foot of the hill.